Customise your boards feature for MyBoard

Last updated 1 year ago

Boards can be customised to perfectly match you or your content. There are tonnes of appearance options available such as:
  •  Image background
  •  Solid colour background
  •  Duo-colour gradient background
  •  Colour overlay
  •  Text colour

These can all be mixed and matched to create a unique looking board. The Desktop/Mobile toggle on the right shows how good your board will look on different devices.

Column titles can also be added or removed to make organising cards easier.

MyBoard+ users have access to some more advanced appearance options such as:
  • Display avatar - This option will display the avatar of the board owner above the title
  • Hide navigation bar - This option will hide the top-most site navigation

These options are great for making your board look more integrated into your company or brand.
